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Otoro Energy

Affordable, Grid-Scale Energy Storage


Flow Battery Technology

Our batteries use no precious metals and are easily scaled due to the use of flow battery technology. 

Our flow batteries are non-flammable, non-corrosive, and non-toxic, so their uses are ever expanding. 

Our electrolyte solutions are low cost, efficient, and safe while providing long-term storage.

Solar Panels on Trees


As global and domestic demand for electricity increases, long duration energy storage systems will be critical to providing reliable power. Otoro has developed a safe, reliable, and cost effective flow battery system to store energy.



Our Mission

"Our battery technology safely stores electricity to provide everyone access to clean, renewable energy."

Michael Marshak, PhD

Founder & CEO, Otoro Energy


In The Media

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Check out Founder & CEO, Michael Marshak on the "Beyond Lithium" podcast! Thank you to BioZen Batteries, Inc. for hosting Mike!

"For flow batteries, we need to think about the total power capacity, the duration that you can operate at that power, and also the location for storage—not to mention being able to combine all of those things together with cost, safety, scalability, raw materials abundance, efficiency, and more, to make a complete economic picture."

"Flow batteries, the forgotten energy storage device!"

Founder & CEO, Mike Marshak, as quoted in Chemical & Engineering News!


"Flow batteries are coming to the forefront for grid level energy storage as a safer, more reliable, and environmentally friendly alternative to lithium ion."



Contact Us


4828 Sterling Dr.

Boulder, CO 80301

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